Sunday, 6 September 2015

New Project

Proyek baru mengenai woodworking. Semua akan disajikan di blog ini. Ini hanya contoh kecil saja mengenai dunia woodworking ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

Sekedar berbagi, untuk posting pertama ini, saya akan menginformasikan contoh desain pembuatan tempat tidur
inilah contoh gambar-gambarnya

Hasil gambar untuk bed woodworkingHasil gambar untuk bed woodworking 

Hasil gambar untuk bed woodworking

Hasil gambar untuk bed woodworking 

info lengkapnya silahkan kunjungi url ini  

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Sunday, 12 July 2015

Punch, brothers! Punch with care!

Here's a small project from the shop before it went into hibernation. It's pretty self-explanatory, so I'll let the pictures do the talking...

Complete, and...

...oiled - it will darken in time and match better.

For me, there is something very satisfying in making old tools happy.

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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Hemlock and Cedar Box

Well, obviously the blog has been rather dormant of late. Shop time has slowed to a crawl as I approach the event horizon of my own personal black hole. We bought a new house and it only needed "a wee little bit of sprucing up..." Huh.

Anyway, just to prove that I have not completely disappeared, here's a couple of photos of a not-too-recent project. It's a box made of hemlock and cedar, and I really like how those two woods look together. It's on the large size (approx. 20"x20"x12") and I tried to keep it simple and clean.

A detail shot of the spinner:

Both the cedar and the hemlock are quartersawn, and I like the look of the parallel grain - it adds to the "cleanness" in my opinion.

And of course, it opens...

More posts as I get the chance - soon I hope, although the shop is sitting in a storage unit waiting for its new home. Don't worry, it's okay, I had it cryogenically frozen like Walt Disney...
More on that another time.
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